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In our classroom, we really focus on the wonderful ways that first graders show they care. Focusing on the positive ways that first graders support and encourage each other, as well as encouraging learning that expects and respects mistakes, is what our classroom is all about!  We use an adaptation of a rainbow to showcase our great choices.


Each day, the first graders begin on the green.  When a first grader demonstrates good choices and good behaviors, he/she will be asked to move his/her name up to the blue, and possibly purple! In your child's folder, he/she will be keeping a monthly calendar that should stay IN his/her folder.  At the end of our day, your child will color in his/her color to communicate to you the kind of day that he/she had.  Green days are wonderful!  Blue days are great!  Purple days are outstanding!  At the end of the month, I will collect these calendars and the first graders who had received 6 blues/purples for the month will be invited to bring their lunch into our classroom and  have lunch with me!  Yay!


Our behavior system is as follows:

Purple - Outstanding!

Blue - Great job!

Green - Ready to Learn

If a student has needed consistent reminders, he/she will remove his/her name from the board. He or she will then meet with me to plan how to make better choices. 

Yellow - Think about it

Orange - Slow Down

Red - Parent Contact

(The yellow, orange and red are not displayed in our classroom - these moments will be handled in private conversations, but you may see these colors in his/her calendar.)

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